Dr. Richard Beamish, C.M., O.B.C., Ph.D., F.R.S.C. Emeritus Scientist at the Pacific Biological Station in Nanaimo, BC

“The area off the Strait of Georgia side of Gabriola Island is productive rearing habitat for a number of species including important commercial and recreational fishes. In particular, rockfish and lingcod are common and both are species that have been overfished and now are being rebuilt. This area, Area 17-10, is an important part of the rebuilding effort.”  Click here to read more of Dr. Beamish’s statement

Dr. Don Furnell, Chair, Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, Vancouver Island University (Retired).

“…several potential impacts, the two that I will focus on for this discussion are the effect of anchor and anchor chain scour on the benthic environment and the effect of the resulting turbidity and subsequent sedimentation on the surrounding benthos. This will be done for select species and species groups that are known to occur in the anchorage area and contribute to either the recreational fishery, commercial fishery or both.”  Click here to read more of Dr. Furnell’s statement.

Dr. Ross Chapman, Emeritus Professor, University of Victoria; Fellow, Insititute of Electrical Engineers; Fellow, Acoustical Society of America.

“Underwater sound generated by ships has the potential to alter the behaviour and threaten the livelihood of marine mammals and fish in their ocean habitats. The acoustic impact study was carried out to determine the impact of noise generated by the anchorage ships on marine mammals and fish.  Click here to read more of Dr. Chapman’s statement

Ruby Chapman – Letter to Rebecca Reid, Regional Director General, Pacific Region,on June 16 – 2016

“My purpose in this letter is to give you one specific example of the failure of the EOA to accurately identify potential harm to fish and adjacent habitat, specifically to the forage fish forage/burying and spawning habitat.”  Click  here to read more