Chris Straw’s Opening Remarks to the Standing Committee on Transportation, Infrastructure and Communities
CHRIS STRAW’S PRESENTATION TO THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORT, INFRASTRUCTURE AND COMMUNITIES October 18, 2018 Thank you Madame Chair and members of the committee. I represent a group of residents of Gabriola Island, near Nanaimo, British Columbia. My comments...
Time Sensitive Opportunity for Input to Ottawa Freighter Anchorages: A Threat to the Marine Ecosystem.
The NE shore of Gabriola is still under threat of freighter anchorages. The presence of these very large freighters would put at risk the marine ecosystem that so many fish, whales, sea birds and other marine species rely on for their survival. There are a couple of...
GAFA Raises Questions About Anchorage Consultation Process
Gabriolans Against Freighter Anchorages is asking Transport Canada to not put the interests of the shipping industry ahead of local residents and First Nations. While work begins to rewrite the rules around commercial anchorages in Canadian waters through the much...
Media Release: Gulf Island advocacy group to discuss freighter anchorage concerns before Parliamentary Committee this week.
Media Release October 16, 2018 Gabriola Island BC Gulf Island advocacy group to discuss freighter anchorage concerns before Parliamentary Committee this week. The President of Gabriolans Against Freighter Anchorages, Chris Straw, will appear before the House of...
Getting freighters out of the Gulf Islands.
Join GAFA on Saturday March 23rd from 2-4pm at the Community Hall for an update.