Send a letter to the federal government using the The No Freighter Anchorages website
The conversation around freighter anchorages in the Southern Gulf Islands is getting more attention. Recent coverage from CBC and attention from local politicians and celebrities has led to a rise in interest and letters submitted but we need your voice. The No...
Cancelled Coal Project Not The End of Gabriola Anchorage Threat
Cancellation of a proposed $15 million coal transfer facility in the mouth of the Fraser River was met with cautious optimism by Gabriola residents. But the shutdown doesn’t remove the threat...

Chris Straw’s Opening Remarks to the Standing Committee on Transportation, Infrastructure and Communities
CHRIS STRAW’S PRESENTATION TO THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORT, INFRASTRUCTURE AND COMMUNITIES October 18, 2018 Thank you Madame Chair and members of the committee. I represent a group of residents of Gabriola Island, near Nanaimo, British Columbia. My comments...
Time Sensitive Opportunity for Input to Ottawa Freighter Anchorages: A Threat to the Marine Ecosystem.
The NE shore of Gabriola is still under threat of freighter anchorages. The presence of these very large freighters would put at risk the marine ecosystem that so many fish, whales, sea birds and other marine species rely on for their survival. There are a couple of...
GAFA Raises Questions About Anchorage Consultation Process
Gabriolans Against Freighter Anchorages is asking Transport Canada to not put the interests of the shipping industry ahead of local residents and First Nations. While work begins to rewrite the rules around commercial anchorages in Canadian waters through the much...
Help protect our coasts by giving your input on the Governments Oceans Protection Plan (OPP)
Dear supporters of GAFA, We are writing with an important and time sensitive request. The federal government has set up a website to get input into their Oceans Protection Plan. The plan (OPP)is a broad collection of initiatives designed to improve Canada’s ability to...
Transport Canada opens Formal Review Process on Anchorages
The first in a series of consultative sessions on the Federal Government’s Oceans Protection Plan (OPP) took place in Vancouver last Thursday. The meeting, billed as a Dialogue Forum, focused on a number of issues, including the future of Deep Sea Anchorages in the...
test health and livability
Risk assessment for Gabriola in relation to Freighters maneuvering and anchoring nearby/offshore Chamber of Shipping position Aug 27 2017 Respecting the need to work collaboratively with all levels of governments, First Nations, and coastal communities to improve...