The Federal Government is reviewing the Harper government’s changes to the Fisheries Act and you can have your say.

Thriving fish populations and healthy fish habitat are important to the well-being of Canadian society. Our fish need a healthy environment to live, feed and reproduce. They also need healthy waters to migrate between these places. The Fisheries Act gives the Government of Canada the authority to manage Canadian fisheries and protect the habitat that supports them. We want to know your views on the best way to restore lost protections into the Fisheries Act. We also want to hear your ideas of how we can incorporate modern safeguards.

How to participate:

  1. Go to
  2. Register by clicking on an eWorkbook of your choice
  3. Once you’ve registered, you can fill out the eWorkbooks or simple click “Submit your idea” and write your message

Take this opportunity before 16 November 2016 to let your voice be heard! 

Some things you should know:

  • The previous Federal Government made it easier for developers to do work in our precious waters without any impact assessment or review under the Fisheries Act.
  • Since those changes no charges have been laid against developers or industry on any projects anywhere.
  • DFO recently decided that the Fisheries Act did not require them to review a proposal for 5 huge freighter anchorages off the N.E. shore of Gabriola Island, despite the presence of prime salmon and rockfish habitat.

Some ideas to suggest:

  • Change the Fisheries Act to ensure that a review of anchorage sites includes robust scientific research by Fisheries and Oceans, not by a company paid by industry proponents.
  • Give Fisheries and Oceans the power to halt projects that would cause significant harm to fish and fish habitat.
  • Get rid of the current option of ‘off-sets’ where industry is given permission to destroy one vital ecosystem if they promise to do ‘clean up’ to another area.

This is an important opportunity to bring about real change. Please take the time to tell DFO what you think. Go to